Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How Finding a Penny a Day taught me about the Power of the Law of Attraction

I have always loved to go for walks, (maybe the fact that I do not know how to drive has something to do with it) but just getting out of the house getting some fresh air, whenever I am feeling couped up (as I am a homebody) always makes me feel better and it keeps me fit too which is a major plus. So I made a promise to myself to get out of the house and go for a walk everyday no matter what, and to help keep me motivated my cousin and I decide to go for walks together.

Around this same time, I really started to focus on the things I wanted in my life I made a list and started to focus and visualize everyday on how I wanted my life to be. In The Secret a few of the experts recommended that when asking the universe for something to start off small. To test the Law of Attraction I decided that I would ask the universe for a Penny, meaning it was my intention to find a Penny on the ground every time I went for a walk. But as the months went by,  I became more and more discouraged as no matter how hard I tried the Pennies were just not showing up, then it dawned on me I was trying to hard and in the process I was actually preventing the universe from delivering the Pennies to me.

Over the years I have found the best way to find something is to just stop looking for it, it may sound odd but I find that when, looking for something we are generally in a state of stress and when we are stressed we are actually  preventing ourselves from finding it, so whatever it is your looking for STOP do not look for it and you will find it, by the way just so you know this applies to all the area of our life.

After I realized what I was doing wrong I took a more relaxed approach  to it, rather then focusing on the Pennies, and trying to find them I just focused on the moment and enjoyed my walks with my cousin the funny thing about that was once I stopped looking, the Pennies seemed to flow into my life literally, everytime I went for a walk I was finding a Penny, whenever I spotted one on the ground  it made me feel like a child again ( like when I child finds a plain ordinary rock on the ground yet they treasure it like it was gold)

There was even a couple of times on my walk where my cousin was the one to find  the Penny, the first time, he found one he picked it up and gave it to me, which I was not expecting ( but then again the thing to remember is that the Universe always gives you what you put your focus on although it might not come in the way you expect)  the second time he found a Penny, was different as he was not so giving  instead of giving it to me, he placed the Penny in his pocket and kept it. When I sarcastically complained "Hey how come you didn't give it to me?  he just Smiled, and said "This ones mine"  as he Smiled , something told me to look down and as I did there it was a Nice New Shiny Penny, just waiting for me, when I saw it sitting there all I could do was Smile, because in that moment I realized the Power of the Law of Attraction, finding those Pennies just confirmed to me that we can BE DO or Have Anything we want no matter how big or small it is.

Even now to this Day every time I go for a walk I will still find a penny on the ground but instead of picking it up and keeping it I leave it on the ground for someone else as I have let the Pennies go realizing I need to start thinking big and allowing more abundance and wealth to enter my life.

For More information about the Law of Attraction  Visit Sunshine of the Soul 

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