Friday, May 20, 2011

Negative Thoughts or Positive Thoughts Which Thoughts will You Choose?

A few years ago I started learning about the Law of Attraction, I read and watched The Secret, I listened to Abraham Hicks, and what they taught me was that I am in CONTROL of my life,  everything that happens, happens because of the way I choose to think as well as what I choose to put my focus on.

I knew that I wanted to Attract only goodness into my life so I decided to started paying more attention to the thoughts I was thinking, and the way that I was feeling and what I noticed was my thoughts tended to be more negative then positive, so right there in that moment I chose to start replacing all my negative thoughts with positive ones, ( or at least try to) instead of looking at things with the cup half empty I started to  look at it with the cup half full. Growing up I loved to watch the Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights, its amazing to look back on movies that you use to watch as a child and notice the lessons they had within them for example in the movie Pollyanna the scene where she teaches the servants how to play the Glad Game,  When everyone one else around her was complaining about how they Hate Sundays she chose to remain positive instead of saying something negative about Sundays when questioned "What is so good about Sundays?" her response was "Because it will be six whole days before Sunday comes around again" her response was looking at Sundays with the cup half full where everyone else around her was looking at it with the cup half empty, Saying they hate Sundays because it meant that a new work week was beginning.

 In my own life an example of how I started to look at things in a more positive way is when a friend told me me that he would not really have a lot of of time to spend with me as he said he was going to be spending 8 months in Florida, instead of feeling down  I just  told him "Well that just means You will be in California for 4 months".

It all just comes down to how you choose to look at things, no matter what you are doing or where you are going, always do your best to find the positive in everything, Its all a matter of just flipping the coin from the negative side to the positive side, whenever a negative thought pops into your mind. At first when I started doing this I must admit it was hard, to keep track of all my negative thoughts  and attempt to find the positive side of any given situation, as the years have gone by though  its gotten easier and easier  So no matter what thought pops into your mind if its a negative thought  always do your best to replace it with a positive one, and Remember the Sunshine Dwells in You.

For More information about Positive Affirmations Visit Sunshine of the Soul 

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