Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Are You Focusing on the "Some Day" or the "Now"

I have a question for anyone and everyone who keeps goal lists. How well did you do this last year?  How many of the things you wrote down on your list did you achieve?  To be honest I did not do so well myself , the things I wrote down on my list for 2012 are pretty much the same things I had written down on last years list, although this year I have a clearer picture of exactly what I want to achieve.

I am not sure exactly why I wasn't able to achieve my goal list for 2011 but I think it may have been  because I was focusing on the "Some Day and wasn't focusing on the "Now" So let me ask you are you focusing on the things you want to achieve as though you have already achieved them? or are you focusing on them as in "Some Day"?

 The Law of Attraction states whatever you put your focus on is attracted to you whether it is negative or positive, the key to attracting everything you truly want in life that is positive  is to act as though you already have it whether its a business a home a relationship a car or even money you have to pretend you already have it, if you focus on it as  "Some Day I will have that business or "Some Day" I will have that car that relationship" it will always be "Some Day" you have to tell yourself I own that business I am in that relationship I own that car.

And again maybe that is where I went wrong with my goal list for 2011 I was focusing on it as "Some Day" rather then in the "Now" So for this year 2012 I have committed myself to acting in the "Now and not the Some Day". I am going to act and pretend I have already achieved everything I wanted to on my goal list, knowing that I can BE DO or HAVE Anything I truly want in life all I have to do is Believe it. So if I can do it so can you and Always Remember the Sunshine Dwells in You...

For More information about the Law of Attraction  Visit Sunshine of the Soul 

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