The first card that flipped itself over was Clear Quartz which I see as a very Spiritual and Multipurpose stone, as Clear Quartz can be programmed to do almost anything. In the everyday world it is used in both computers and watches. The message from the Crystal Oracle tells us to reflect on the things we would most like to achieve in our lives. It tells us to make a list and then mentally infuse a piece of Clear Quartz with everything we want to manifest. As we carry this stone with us, we are to keep it close to our heart and visualize our life as we would like it to be. We are to do this on a daily basis until we reach our goals; after we have reached a goal, it is important to set new ones as life is a never ending journey and we are to never stop growing.
The second card that flipped itself over was Moonstone. I do not have a lot of experience with this stone, but Moonstone is a stone of beginnings, it enhances intuition and psychic abilities. Moonstone helps balance the emotional and physical body, promotes conception, and helps the digestive and reproductive systems. Moonstone is also a very soothing stone that helps to relieve stress.
The third card that revealed itself to me was Petrified Wood, which works with the Root and Third Eye Chakras to bring healing energies to both physical and emotional issues. Many people like working with Petrified Wood for its ancient energies, which help to enhance past-life work. Petrified Wood teaches patience and helps us to understand how to allow life to evolve in perfection. Working with its grounding energies can encourage one to live life as a spiritual being within this physical world. Petrified Wood helps us connect with the energies of the Earth, which I feel is going to be very important to us in the future. Just as our ancestors were connected with the Earth, I believe that we as a human race will start to reconnect with the energies of the Earth as well.
The fourth card in my Crystal Oracle Reading was Pyrite, which over the last few months I have begun to work with on a daily basis. Pyrite is often used in prosperity rituals and grids, because of its stimulating energies of manifestation. Pyrite is very useful for cleansing and activating the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, which helps to bring ideas from the higher self, down through the Chakras and ground it into reality. Pyrite promotes good physical and emotional health. An example of this is its ability to be very helpful for any type of infection, as well as purifying the systems of the body. Pyrite is a very protective crystal, shielding the user from negative energy of all kinds.
The fifth card in the Reading was Wulfenite, a stone which, to be honest, I haven't even heard of, but according to the Crystal Oracle, Wulfenite encourages and teaches us to follow our feeling and instinct. It teaches us to rely on our intuition rather than what others say. When working with this stone it encourages us to listen to the guidance within ourselves.
The sixth card that flipped itself over was Malachite. As with the Moonstone, I do not have a lot of experience with it, although I did have a piece about 8-9 years ago. At the time I bought it, I was just beginning on my spiritual journey with Crystals and other forms of healing, The piece of Malachite I chose had a pattern on one side that resembled a flower blossoming , which I saw at the time as representing my spiritual self beginning to blossom. Malachite helps us to let go of the past and any regrets or guilt because of it. See the positive effects of your past actions, choices and decisions. Know that everything said or done or that you think you haven't said or done, has served a positive purpose for you and others.
The seventh card to reveal itself was Australian Agate. As a child, my cousins and I used to play around in the gravel driveway, hoping to find Agates, although to be honest, I am sure we wouldn't have been able to find Australian Agates in Canada, at least not on the ground. Australian Agate helps strengthen our mental and physical bodies and gives us the courage to tackle any problems in our lives.
The eighth card in the reading was Gold in Quartz, again, another stone I have never even heard of. Gold in Quartz opens up our intuition, which allows ideas and inspiration to come flooding through into physical form. It helps to manifest many of the things our heart desires. It helps us to find the joy and the wonder of life.
The ninth card in the Crystal Oracle Reading was Prehnite. It teaches us that only loves exists and that our perceptions of good and evil are simply a human illusion. When you work with Prehnite, you begin to realize that all is literally bathed in Love. Nothing can ever harm you or have a negative effect on you, apart from your own fears. Through this you will have no doubt that a higher force exists and that through this higher force, all is possible.
The tenth and final card that revealed itself to me was Amazonite. The healing energies that radiate from Amazonite crystal help restore our balance of peace and clarity. It teaches us to trust in the universe that all we desire will soon manifest. The more you let go of a desired outcome, the clearer things will seem and the faster you will get what you want.
The over- all message I get from this reading is that in 2013, we, as a human consciousness, will begin to wake up. As I have said, a little bit earlier, we will look to the past and begin to reconnect with Mother Earth and with the energies of the Earth .We will use the gifts and the tools that Mother Earth has given us, like Crystals for example, to heal on all three levels of our being - Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. We will take our lives back into our own hands, rather than having other people tell us what we can and cannot do, how to live our lives, etcetera. We will be the creators, the authors of our own lives, we will begin to connect with Source Energy and when we do this, we will be able to manifest everything our hearts truly desire.
Always Remember the Sunshine Dwells in You.
For more information on Crystals or Crystal Healing please visit Sunshine of the Soul
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