Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Day I Became 20 cents Richer

OK OK your probably asking yourself  20 cents that's it?? how can you become 20 cents  Richer its only  20 cents?? Its not even a dollar. Mind you  its not  so much the amount of money that matters, but how the money came to me, in one of my previous blog posts I talked about how I wanted to test the law of attraction  so I asked the universe for a penny a day, meaning that every time I went for a walk I wanted to  find a penny.

Although to be honest with you "find" is the wrong word to use, as you are suppose to

1. Ask the universe for what you want
2. Believe that you  have already  received what you asked for
3. Receive what you asked the Universe for.

No where in those three steps does it say you you have to go searching , looking or try to find  whatever it is you asked the universe for, this isn't an Easter egg hunt. In step 3 you need to be Willing Ready and Able to Receive what you asked for, in other words you need to let whatever you asked the universe for come to you, you don't have to go running or chasing  after it because  if you do, in a sense it will only keep running away from you. Like when you try to catch your pet whether its a cat a dog a bird, the more you chase after them, the more they will run away from you, but once you stop, and mind you when they are ready they will come to you.

Now I am not saying that when you ask the universe for something you are just suppose to sit there and do nothing on the contrary, what you are suppose to do is  take Action but it has to be Inspired Action meaning that while you are on Step 2 believing that what you asked the universe for is already yours, when  an idea of something to do comes to you  Do It because that is considered Inspired Action like this blog post for example, and that is the only kind of action you ever want to  take for when it is Inspired Action it will draw you closer to what it is you asked the universe for. In this way you are going with the flow letting the river take you where ever it wants to take you instead of trying to paddle up stream trying to force things to happen. What do you think is better ? 1. going with the flow, letting the river take you where it wants to take you or 2. trying to paddle up steam against the current ?? I think letting the river do all the work is a lot better then you putting all your time and energy into paddling up stream. By the way have you ever tried to Paddle up stream? You get very tired very fast, you arms and your whole body for that matter get very sore.

 Over the last few weeks I have realized that after you ask the universe for something  you need to just let it go, do not worry about whens it going to happen or how is it going to happen just let it go, the universe will take care of that for you, its like when you order something from online or from a catalog you put in your order and wait for it to be delivered, you Know it is going to be delivered so you don't keep ordering the same thing over and over again, in fear that the first time you put in your order it did not work, because again you Know that it will be delivered. As you are waiting for it,  you might even be imagining what your going to be doing with it,, and that is what you have  to do when you ask the universe for something Know that what you asked for is yours, its on its way being delivered to you Right Now in this moment. So have fun with it, imagine what your going to be doing with it,  when it is delivered.

To get back to what I was saying earlier  I went for a walk yesterday afternoon, instead of focusing on anything particular I just enjoyed being in the moment , I enjoyed being outside the blue sky, the sun, yes even  the heat, I wasn't focused on the past or the future, I was again just enjoying the moment I was in. As I was walking down the street I looked down  and there laying on the ground was 10 cents so I picked it up, put it in my pocket, and kept walking, to my surprise just a few more feet away was another dime, I was so happy by then I was skipping down the street, OK well maybe not, but it did make me smile, the type of smile where you can not stop smiling you can almost feel it in your chest, in your Heart Chakra.

 It was just proof to me that when you let go of  everything, when you stop trying to force something to happen that is when the magic happen's that is when you attract everything you truly want in life, you still have the attitude of gratitude but at the same time when you let go of everything you have the attitude "If it Happens it Happens if it Doesn't it Doesn't" and the strange thing is that when you do that  you will attract to you everything you truly and want and need in life, when you let go of negativity  you let go of your fears your worries yours doubts all your negative emotions, which cut you off, which  block  you from receiving, those things you asked for. So today when you ask the universe for something,  let it go don't go chasing after it, trying to make something happen, let it come to you, let it happen to you, and  when you are hit with Inspiration go with it, as again it is Inspired Action,  just think when you do this you are one step closer to attracting everything you want in life and Always Remember the Sunshine Dwells in You.

For More information about the Law of Attraction  Visit Sunshine of the Soul